Do you always feel scared people will leave you?

Do you struggle with low confidence?

Do your emotions get the best of you sometimes?

Do you find yourself repeating unhealthy relationships?

If so… You might be suffering from an inner child wound.

Now before you write it off as something that's not a big deal. Think back to your childhood.

Did your caregiver(s)

  • Not show you much love or attention?
  • Yell at you or make you feel small?
  • Shame you for mistakes, even in front of others?
  • Make you feel like everything was your fault or blame you for how they feel?
  • Promise things like attending your recital or coming to your football game but never follow through?

When these happen, as a child, you feel unsafe and you try to find other ways to COPE and feel safe

If they always yelled at you when you didn't do something right, you assume the way to stay safe is to keep doing anything you can to please people so they won't shout at you

If you were always dismissed whenever you expressed your emotions, you assume the way to stay safe is to bottle up all your emotions

If one of your parents was physically absent, you assume the way to stay safe is to do everything possible to make sure someone else doesn't leave again.

These habits become like beliefs, and you start to think they're the only way to be safe.

Here's the tricky part...

Most times, the things you do as a kid to feel safe turn into habits you keep even as you grow up.

So, even as an adult, when you notice even a tiny hint that a similar problem might happen (like a late text reply, loud noises, or if your partner shows little sign of disinterest,...)

You automatically fall back into those old coping patterns without even realizing it..

This doesn't mean you're broken!

It just means your inner child needs some healing.

And the good news is, that healing is possible.

By understanding your past and why you react in certain ways, you can start to create healthier patterns for yourself and your relationships

How do you go about that?

Do you feel like you always sacrifice yourself for others only for them to end up hurting you…

Like You're not good enough for people or you don't deserve the things you achieve

Or even like you always need someone's help to love yourself

That's where the 3-step process comes in.

It's a 3-step process you can implement to start healing your childhood trauma TODAY…

STEP 1: Identify the Wound

Here you take note of those patterns you keep repeating.

Are you constantly seeking approval?

Do you struggle to set boundaries?

These might be clues leading to your inner child's wound.

STEP 2: Understand Why it Hurts

Once you've identified the wound, it's time to uncover why it hurts so much.

Think back to your past.

Was there a time when you felt neglected, criticized, or unsafe?

Understanding the source of the pain helps you show your inner child the compassion they deserve.


You can't heal a wound if you can't even identify where it is or what it is and why it's causing you pain..

Which is why I've created the inner child course..

So you can :

  • Learn how unresolved emotions and experiences from your past impact your present.
  • Understand why certain situations trigger fear or anger and gain tools to manage them with grace and strength.
  • Discover negative thought patterns that keep you feeling unworthy.
  • Identify past traumas that influence your interactions with others.
  • Learn to reparent your inner child, providing the comfort and support you may have missed in your younger years.

Imagine if you could :

  • Finally feel like you're worth something without other people
  • Start seeing yourself as a whole and unique person who is enough
  • Stop focusing on others and start thinking about your own needs for a change

When you join the "Heal the inner child" Course today:

  • You'll get 2 hours of video content that goes deeper into how to identify your inner child wounds, find out why those wounds are causing you pain and how to heal them
  • You'll learn how to Fulfill your own unmet needs from your childhood (so you stop seeking it outside of yourself)
  • You'll discover how you can reparent your Inner Child so you can fall in love with yourself and have more self-confidence

Plus you'll get lifelong access to over 11 resources that you can revisit at any time

So what exactly is contained in this course?

Here's a detailed breakdown of all you'll have complete access to

Heal Your Inner Child Masterclass

  • Learn to deal with abandonment fears and develop healthier coping mechanisms so you become stronger and better at handling similar feelings when they come up again
  • Recognize negative thought patterns or behaviors that contribute to low self-esteem and offer comfort to those parts of you that feel unworthy
  • Identify past experiences, traumas, or unmet needs from childhood that might be influencing your present behavior in relationships so you can make healthier choices in future

Understanding Human Behaviour and Your Subconscious Mind

  • Recognize recurring patterns in your life so you can identify the root cause of emotional triggers and behavioral tendencies
  • Understand why certain events or situations trigger intense emotional responses so you gain the ability to reshape them positively.

Understanding Attachment Theory

  • Learn to identify your attachment styles developed in childhood so you can recognize and address triggers rooted in childhood experiences.

Understanding Trauma and it's Impacts

  • Learn to identify situations, people, or events that activate distressing emotions or memories so you can get better at managing your reactions.

Reparenting Your Inner Child Masterclass

  • Learn to acknowledge and heal childhood wounds so you can reduce it's impact on present relationships,
  • Learn to provide yourself with the nurturing, care, and validation that might have been missing in childhood
  • Learn emotional regulation techniques and strategies that were potentially lacking in childhood so you can respond more calmly and thoughtfully to triggers.
  • Learn to identify triggers and understand why certain situations evoke strong emotional responses

Needs of a child for healthy development

  • Children have specific emotional needs for validation, love, safety, and support. When you understand these needs you can easily identify what was missing from your own childhood, understand your own past and heal from any wounds caused by unmet needs or lack of love and support.

How to know where your wounds are

  • Every wound — be it emotional, psychological, or linked to past experiences — needs specific approaches for healing. Understanding the source of these wounds allows you to directly tackle them leading to more effective healing
  • Each person's inner child holds distinct wounds and experiences. Customizing your approach ensures you concentrate on the parts needing the most care and attention.

You'll also get a couple of bonuses and free resources...

Journaling activities to help you heal past childhood trauma

  • Get guidance on how to reflect on past events and their impact so you can understand how these experiences have shaped your beliefs and behaviors which is usually the first step to correcting them
  • Monitor your healing progress by observing patterns, triggers, and shifts in emotions and behaviors over time. This helps gain insights into the most effective strategies for your journey."

Reflection Questions

  • These are practical exercises you get at the end of every module..
  • They include thought-provoking questions you can use to identify patterns, triggers, and beliefs that stem from your childhood experiences
  • Learn to confront and process unresolved emotions, traumas, or wounds from your past.

Post masterclass integration tasks

  • To help you apply the knowledge gained during the masterclass.
  • Learn to integrate the techniques, strategies, or insights learned to your personal healing journey.

Somatic Meditations

  • Replace negative or limiting beliefs with positive, empowering ones
  • Inner child healing can evoke intense emotions. Somatic meditation techniques can help you ground yourself in the present moment,
  • Release your fears so you will create space in your body and mind to choose a different reality and reduce the chances of self-sabotage
  • Explore how feelings and experiences are stored and shown in the body to reach the deeper parts of your mind. This exploration helps release stored tension and trauma, aiding in the healing process."

Just a recap of all you're getting

  • Heal Your Inner Child Masterclass - Value ($750)
  • Understanding Human Behaviour and Your Subconscious Mind Value ($150)
  • How to know where your wounds are Value ($250)
  • Understanding Attachment Theory Value ($350)
  • Understanding Trauma and it's Impacts Value ($250)
  • Journaling activities to help you heal past childhood trauma Value ($150)
  • Reflection Questions Value ($100)
  • Post masterclass integration tasks Value ($100)
  • 4 Different Somatic meditations Value ($300)
  • Reparenting Your Inner Child Masterclass Value ($1350)
  • Needs of a child for healthy development Value ( $350)
  • Roles that a healthy mother & father has Value ($100)
  • Having a conscious relationship with your inner child Value ($250)
  • Somatic Breathwork Value ($200)
  • Meditation to meet your healthy inner mother Value ($150)
  • Healthy Mother Embodiment Practice Value ($150)
  • Daily Inner Child Connection Practice Value ($150)


But you won't be paying that much today..

The "Heal the inner child" Course costs only $300

But you can get it at 50% off today as I'm currently running a Special sale

This means when you buy today you're only going to pay $150

I'm not sure how long I'll keep the discount open but if you leave this page without buying, you might not get it that cheap again

Get the "Heal Your Inner Child" Course for just $150 today.

Use coupon code " HEALINNERCHILD" for 50% Discount

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